This page offers information and links to service organizations available in the Austin area. These organizations are categorized by the types of services they offer. Click below to find help regarding the type of service you are looking for.
Advocacy/Legal Help - Something traumatic happened and I would like help understanding my rights.
Assessment - Something traumatic happened and I want help determining how it has impacted myself or my family.
Case Management - I would like help finding services in the Austin community.
Counseling/Support - A traumatic event happened and I need to find someone to talk to me or my children.
Crisis Intervention - Something traumatic has happened and I don't know what to do.
Medical Care - A traumatic event happened and I would like to see a medical professional such as a nurse or doctor.
Trainings/Workshops- Help me find events for professionals and the public to learn more about trauma.
**While not all members of the Trauma-Informed Care Consortium of Central Texas are TIC agencies, they are committed to providing knowledgeable trauma services to those in our community.